IGLG - runs two levels of classes- beginners and continuing learners.

£3.00 per 2 hour class, plus an annual fee of £15 (payable in three lots over course of the year). IGLG is grateful for regular financial assistance from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Inverclyde Gaelic Learners Group

Inverclyde Gaelic Learners Group (IGLG) has been offering the chance to learn Gaelic to the community of Greenock, Inverclyde and beyond for many years.  

One of our aims has been to offer parents of children learning Gaelic at Whinhill Nursery and Primary school the chance to ‘get their tongues’ around the language and so support their children’s learning.  Gàidhlig san Dachaigh - Gaelic in the home-  was taught to encourage family conversations and useful everyday phrases such as Na bi gòrach  (Don’t be silly) and Greas ort! (Hurry up! ) were acquired and used by harassed mums and dads on occasions to surprise their children. 

IGLG has also been successful in teaching the language to New Scots from European countries and beyond.  Poles, Germans, Japanese and Finns have been amongst those who have shown an interest in our unique language and culture and it has been a pleasure to share with them the intricacies of Gaelic grammar and the eccentricities of Gaelic idioms!  For example, when you say My name is Margaret in Gaelic it translates as It is Margaret the name that is on me (’S e Mairead an t’ainm a th’orm).  We have been constantly amazed by their capacity to take these differences on board without complaint.  

Over the years we have had a revolving door of learners: some learn a little, enough to satisfy their curiosity; others stick at it for years, constantly reinforcing and expanding their knowledge; others get so good they become teachers of Gaelic themselves and happily pass on their skills to others. Our beginners class is currently taught by one such talented individual. 

The success of our group, however, has to be attributed to one extraordinary person. Throughout the years, Margaret Nicolson (neè Margaret McLeod) has passed on her love of Gaelic and shown her dedication to enabling it to endure in the modern world. A native speaker with roots in Ness in Lewis, Margaret was a Mòd gold medalist who went on to form the music group, Na h’Oganaich (https://projects.handsupfortrad.scot/hall-of-fame/na-hoganaich/), and could be considered one of the founders of modern Celtic music, paving the way for Runrig and Capercaillie and the raft of Gaelic singing groups now bursting on to the scene.  She has been, and still is, a dedicated teacher and is much appreciated by all who learn Gaelic with the aid of her gentle and expert tutelage.

We are very grateful to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for all their financial support, encouragement  and assistance. It has certainly helped us a’ brosnachadh Gàidhlig ann an Inbhirchluaidh ( encourage Gaelic in Inverclyde).   

We currently run two classes : beginners and continuing learners.  Both are online classes held on Zoom.  

For news about the classes email: inverclydegaeliclearnersgroup@gmail.com

Or follow us on Facebook 

If you would like to get involved in our classes or have questions for us, please get in touch using the form below.


Classes are held in the South West Library on Friday mornings.

South West Library,

159 Inverkip Rd,


PA16 9HG